Phase IV Rivers Debris and Obstruction Removal

2016-2018 Hays County, TX

Scope: Debris Removal, Hazardous Tree removal, Obstruction removal and Disposal of flood debris from rivers and adjacent property along 41 miles of the Blanco and San Marcos Rivers.

Size: Debris and Hazardous tree (600 Year Old Cypress) removal and disposal of  All Flood debris in and along Blanco River, Homes sites and Ranches for 41 miles.

120,000 Cubic Yards of Debris

Lake Brazos Dam Debris and Obstruction Removal Project

2017 Waco, TX

Scope: Debris and Hazardous Tree and Obstruction removal and Disposal of flood debris from Dam, Rivers and adjacent property on Brazos River Waco, Texas.

Size: Debris and Hazardous trees removal and disposal on top of Dam and submerged in 30 feet deep water at base of Dam and debris removal and disposal of upstream of all flood debris and sonar documentation of all debris removed.                                                                                                   

19,000 Cubic Yards of Debris

Alabama Department of Transportation Right of Way Maintenance

2012-2018 Statewide

Trimming Cutting and Removing Vegetative Right a Way Maintenance Contract Trimming trees and Brush and Removing Hazardous Trees, Debris Removal and Disposal from various State Right of Way.